C++ Notes


History of C++

Difference between procedure Oriented Programming and Object oriented Programming 


Basic Overview Of OOP Principles

C++ features

Benefits of OOPs

Applications of OOP

Different paradiagrams for problem solving

C++ Basic

structure of a C++ program

C++ data types

C++ Variable Declaration

Initialization of variables

Operators in C++

Expression in C++

References in C++

Operators in C and  C++
      1. Arithmetic operators
      2. Assignment operators
      3. Relational operators 
      4. Logical operators
      5. Bitwise operators

Type cast operator in C++

Implicit conversion in C++

Flow control statements in C++

Default Arguments in C++

Inline function in C++

Dynamic memory (Runtime) Allocation and Deallocation operator

Manipulators in C++

Scope Resolution operator in C++

C++ Classes and Data Abstraction 

C++ classes and Objects

Class Scope (C++ only)

Static data member in C++

Constant member functions in C++

dynamic creation and destruction of objects in C++

this pointer in C++

Constructors in C++ / Types of Constructors / Constructor overloading

Copy constructor in C++

Destructors in C++

Calculate Area using Class

c++ program to check given no. is odd or even using class

Cpp program to dispaly Age using class

Friend Class and Friend Function in C++

C++ Overloading 

Function overloading in C++

Operator overloading in C++

Overloading Binary operator(+)

Overloading Unary operator(-)

C++ Inheritance

Inheritance in C++

Single inheritance in C++

multilevel Inheritance in C++

Hierarchical - Inheritance in C++

Hybrid-Inheritance in C++

Virtual Base class in C++

Order of Constructor and Destructor Call with Inheritance in C++

C++ Polymorphism

Polymorphism in C++

Types of Polymorphism in C++ (Compile time Polymorphism)

Virtual function in C++

Abstract Class and Pure Virtual Function in C++

Why A Constructor can not be Virtual

Virtual Destructor in C++

C++ Templates

Templates in C++

Overloading function Templates in C++

Static Class member in Class Template

C++ Exception Handling

Advantages of Exception Handling

Exception Specification in C++

Exception Objects in C++

Catch All exceptions in C++

Exception Handling in C++

Exception Handling Mechanism in C++ ( throwing an exception, the try block, catching an exception)

Rethrowing an exception in C++

C++ Program to demonstrate Multiple catch statements

C++ Standered Template Library (STL)

C++ Standered Template Library (STL)

Components of Standered Template Library (STL)

Containers and Applications of Container Classes in STL

C++ File Handling

C++ Stream classes Structure

C++ File I/O Operations on Characters

C++ File and File Modes

C++ Formatted I/O Functions

C++ Error handling during file operations

Cpp program to create a file and store data into it and get back file data.


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