Here, I will Provide some most important questions of  'Data - Structure'. So read it carefully for Exam preparation...!

NOTE: I am providing you all the Answers of the Questions that is described in the page, click here:   Data Structure

                                                             PART- (A)
                                            UNIT- 1

1.  a) What is Double ended queue ?
     b) What is use of postfix expression ?

2.  a) Which data structure is used to implement recursion and                    why?
     b) Convert  A+B*C-D/E*F to postfix.

                                            UNIT- 2

3.  a) Define node. what is ordered linked list ? 
     b) Define get node and free node functions of linked list.

4.  a) Define Sparse Matrix.
     b) What is Realloc operation ?

                                             UNIT- 3

5.  a) Which Tree Traversal is simple to represent using recursion              technique ?
     b)  Give two applications of Tree.

6.  a) Define BST and binary tree.
     b) Define Ancestor,edge and path.

                                            UNIT- 4

7.  a) Define graph and types of graph.
     b) Define graph traversing technique.

8.  a) What is advantage of orthogonal representation ?
     b) What is reflexive closure used ?

                                            UNIT- 5

9.  a) In which situation is quick sort used ?
     b) In which situation is heap sort used ?

10. a) What is need of searching and sorting ?
      b) Define heap.


                                          PART- (B)

                                               UNIT- 1

1. Write Algorithm for insertion and deletion operation in circular queue.

2. Write Algorithm for converting infix expression into postfix expression.

3. Write a C program to reverse a Stack using recursion.

4. Write a program to check of expression is correctly parenthesized.

                                               UNIT- 2

1. Write a program to delete alternate nodes of linked list.

2. Write a program to implement priority queue using doubly linked list.

3. Explain insertion and deletion operations in DLL with algorithm and example.

4. Differentiate:
    a) Malloc & Calloc
    b) Static and Dynamic allocation
    c) Singly list & doubly list

                                              UNIT- 3

1. Explain insertion in BST by algorithm and example.

2. What are in-order and pre-order traversal of a Tree ? construct the Binary tree frm the given data:



3. Write a program to find largest value in each level of Binary             tree?

4. Write a program to implement BST (Binary Search Tree).

                                             UNIT- 4

1. Write a program to implement DFS.

2. Write a program to implement BFS.

3. Explain Orthogonal & multi list graph representation.

                                             UNIT- 5

1. Explain Heap Sort.

2. What are key advantage of quick sort, insertion sort & merge             sort?

3. Explain merge sort by giving suitable example.

4. What is Hashing ? explain hashing methods and collision avoiding techniques.

                                       PART- (C)

                                           UNIT- 1

1. Explain applications of Stack & Queue.

2. Write a program to implement Stack.

                                           UNIT- 2

3. a) Compare malloc & calloc.

    b) Discuss applications of linked list.

    c) Dynamic memory allocation.

                                          UNIT- 3

4. What is BST ? Also write an algorithm to delete a node from a        BST. use a proper example to validate your algorithm.

5. Write a program to implement post order traversal using non-recursive technique. 

                                          UNIT- 4

6. Explain concept of all pair shortest path.

7. Write short notes on following:

     a) Differentiate DFS & BFS.
     b) Transitive and reflexive closure of graph.

                                         UNIT- 5

8. Explain working of Heap sort.

9. Explain Hash Table.

NOTE: I am providing you all the Answers of the Questions that is described in the page, click here:   Data Structure


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