Dear learners,
Following is the list of Tricky programs of C and C++. These are programs where some special function or logic is used.
Following is the list of Tricky programs of C and C++. These are programs where some special function or logic is used.
* Caesar Cipher in C and C++ [Encryption & Decryption]
* C program to print ASCII values and its corresponding character
* C program to count spaces in a given string
* Program of System Date and Time
* C program to ring a bell
* Graphic program to design a moving car
* Happy Birthday sound in C
* Program to print Heart pattern
* Car race Game in C++
* A Java script calculator
* Program to print source code as program output
* Print text within double quotes (” “)
* Print all natural numbers upto N without using semi-colon
* C program to design Login Screen by validation username and password
* C++ program to capitalize first and last letter of each word in a line
* C program to find if machine is little endian or big endian
* C++ program to swap two numbers without using temporary and Arithmetic Operator
* Program to divide an integer by 4 without using ‘/’ operator
* C++ program to find area using constants and defines