Data Structure Notes

*Basic of Data - Structure:

1. Data Structures | Types of Data Structure

2. Difference between Linear and Non-linear Data Structures

*Linear Structure:

1. Implementation of Stack Data Structure

2. Implementation of Queue Data Structure

3. Difference between Array and Linked List

4. infix to post fix (Reverse polish notation) expression

*Linked Structure:

1. What is linked list

2. Doubly Linked List Data Structure

3. Singly Linked List Data Structure

4. Circular linked list data structure

*Tree Data Structure:

1. Tree (data Structure) | Tree Terminology

2. Tree Traversal Techniques

3. Binary Tree | Types of Binary Tree

4. Binary Search Tree

*Searching | Sorting | Hashing:

1. Searching in Data structure | C Program to implement Binary Search

2. Searching in Data structure | C program to implement Linear Search

3. Hashing Data structure | Hash key Value | Hashing Mechanism | Hash function

4. Collision in Hashing | Collision Resolution techniques

5. Sorting in Data Structure | Various Sorting Techniques
              1. Bubble Sort
              2. Insertion Sort

              3. Selection Sort

              4. Merge Sort

              5. Quick Sort

              6. Heap Sort

*Graph Structure:

1. Graph Data Structure

2. Directed and Undirected Graph in Data structure

3. Adjacency Matrix | Graph Representation in Data structure

4. Adjacency List | Graph Representation in Data structure

5. Graph Traversal | Depth first Search (DFS)

6. Graph Traversal | Breadth first Search (BFS)


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