40+ Most Important Questions of "System Analysis and Design" that are very useful for your exam preparation.

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* Answer the following questions [50 words each]:

1. Define Black Box system.

2. What are the basic elements of the system ?

3. Define SDLC.

4. What do you mean by system development ?

5. What are the tools of structured Analysis ?

6. Differentiate between logical and physical view of data.

7. Define Testing.

8. What is the purpose of  Audit trail ?

9. What is system security ?

10. Explain the purpose of Recovery planning  ?

11. Define Subsystem.

12. What are the basic types of System ? explain.

13. Define Linear Approach.

14. What are the various phases of SDLC ?

15. Define decision table.

16. Differentiate between Cohesion and coupling.

17. Define Quality Assurance.

18. What is the purpose of project scheduling ?

19. Explain the purpose of Disaster Recovery planning.

* Answer the following questions [250 words each]:

20. What are the different elements of the system ? explain.

21. Write short note on:
      a) Black Box system
      b) Abstract system
      c) Subsystem
      d) System Analysis

22. What are the limitations of SDLC ?

23. A system Analyst is a change agent, motivator, an organizer, an architect and a intelligent sales person. Elucidate.

24. Explain the primary steps of interviewing. In what respect is interviewing an art. expain.

25. What is a questionnaire ? explain different types of the questions used in a questionnaire.

26. Define file organization and its various methods.

27. The first step in system testing is to layout a test plan. outline the activities that represent a test plan.

28. What is the need of system testing ? Explain any five testing techniques and their basic objectives.

29. What is Quality assurance ? Briefly describe the factors that affect the quality of the system.

30. Write in brief about Ethics in system development.

31. What are the threats to system security ? Give an overview of Disaster/Recovery planning. How can system be protected from intruders ?

32. Differentiate between:

      a) Decision tree and Decision table
      b) Structured English and Data dictionary
      c) System analysis and system design
      d) Linear approach and Throwaway Prototyping approach

33. What is the Role of system Analyst ? explain Interpersonal skills.

34. Define the relevance of file organization. explain its methods.

35. Define Testing. what are the various approaches for an acceptance testing ?

36. Define conversion. How change management is more important than any other part of SDLC . Elaborate with relevant examples.

Answer the following questions [300 words each]:

37. Define system. What do you understand by behaviour of the system ? What are the various types of system ?explain. Also explain, Is there any relationship between boundary and feedback ?

38. What are various phases of SDLC ? explain each phase with example.

39. Draw a detailed DFD for hospital management.

40. What are the basic steps in managing organizational change ? suppose you are installing a new accounting package in your small business. what conversion strategy would you use ? Develop a conversion plan.

41. What is system implementation ? How does it different from system conversion ?

42. Explain different types of software maintenance.

43. Write short notes on following:

      a) Hardware and Software selection
      b) Disaster recovery management
      c) project management




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