2 Feb 2020

  • February 02, 2020
  • Amitraj
Data Retrieval Facility

We present querying of hierarchical databases via a simplified
version of DL/I, the data-manipulation language of IMS.

-> Example schema: customer-account-branch

->  A branch can have several customers, each of which can have
several accounts.

-> An account may belong to only one customer, and a customer
can belong to only one branch.

Program Work Area

-> A buffer storage area that contains these variables
a. Record templates
b. Currency pointers
c. Status flag

-> A particular program work area is associated with precisely one
application program.

-> Example program work area:

a. Templates for three record types: customer, account, and branch.

b. Currency pointer to the most recently accessed record of branch,
customer, or account type.

c. One status variable.

The get Command

-> Data items are retrieved through the get command.

a. locates a record in the database and sets the currency pointer to
point to it

b. copies that record from the database to the appropriate program
work-area template

->  The get command must specify which of the database trees is to

be searched.

-> To scan all records in a consistent manner, we must impose an
ordering on the records.

-> Preordered listing of the records in the example database:-
  Parkview, Fleming, A-522, A-561, Freeman, A533,

Seashore, Boyd, A-409, A-622

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