Here, I will Provide some most important questions of  'Database Management Systsem'. So read it carefully for Exam preparation...!

                                          PART - (A)

(A) Answer the Questions.

1. Define Data abstraction.

2. What is E-R model.

3. Define Catalog.

4. Differentiate between base table and view.

5. Differentiate between Count(c) and Count(*) function.

6. Define Data definition.

7. Define Network system.

8. Define Virtual records.

9. Define Indexing.

10. Define Hashing.

11. Define Data independence.

12. What is relation.

13. Define NULL.

14. Write query to create table.

15. Write query to create views.

16. Draw Network model diagram.

17. Draw hierarchical model diagram.

18. Define Inverted.

19. What is nullist.


                                           PART - (B)

                                                UNIT - 1

1. What do you understand by DBMS system. Discuss it advantages over file based system.

2. What are the components of an E-R model ? Explain with example.

3. Who is Database adminstration ? Explain different roles of a Database adminstrator.

4. Explain all symbols used in E-R diagram. Draw an E-R diagram with any suitable example.

                                               UNIT - 2

1. Explain Domains and Relations.

2. What are the primary and alternate keys ? Explain with example.

3. Write short notes on the following:
     a) Relational database.
     b) Relational data objects.

4. Explain Different types of keys with suitable example.

                                             UNIT - 3

1. Write short notes on SQL language.

2. What are views ? Explain with example.

3. Explain embedded SQL.

                                             UNIT - 4

1. Explain DBTG  CODASYL model.

2. What is  Hierarchical model ? explain its data retrieval facility and update facility.

3. Explain:

    a) DBTG update facility.
    b) DBTG set processing facility.

                                              UNIT - 5

1. Explain Overall system struture.

2. Explain:

    a) Logical and physical file organization.
    b) Sequential and Random file organization.

3. What are the advantages of B-tree indexes ?

                                        PART - (C)

1. What is DBMS ? Why DBMS is preferred over file system.

2. Write short notes with example:

    a) Candidate keys
    b) Foreign keys

3. Explain:

    a) Data definition
    b) Data manipulation 

4. What is network model ? Explain with DBTG CODASYL model.

5. What is file organization ? Explain Indexing and Hashing.

6. Explain Specialization, Generalization and Aggregation with example.

7. Explain Relations and predicates with the help of example.

8. Explain update statement, groupby and orderedby clause with example.

9. Explain Network model with example.

10. Discuss ordered file organization. Also discussed issues related to insertion, delation and searching operations in file organization.


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