Difference between procedure Oriented Programming and Object oriented Programming language
1.) procedure Oriented Programming Or Structured Oriented (POP):-
-> Importance is given to logic.(Algorithm)
-> Large program are divided into smaller program known as function.
-> Most of the function share global data.
-> Data move openly around the system from function to function.
Function transform from one form to another.
-> Follows Top- down approach in program design.
-> There is no access specifier in Procedure programming.
-> Adding new data and function is not easy.
-> Overloading is not possible in Procedure programming.
-> Procedural programming does not have any proper way for hiding data so it is less secure.
-> Procedure programming is based on unreal world.
-> In procedure oriented programming, function is more important than data.
-> Example: FORTRAN, C, Basic, Pascal.
2.) Object Oriented Programming (OOP):
-> Importance is given to data.
-> Programs are divided into small parts called , Object.
-> Data structure are design such that the character is object.
-> In object oriented programming, data is more important than function.
-> Data is hidden and can not be accessed by Externel function.
-> Object may communicate with each other through function.
-> Follows Bottom-up approach in program design.
-> Object oriented programming have access specifiers like private, public, protected etc.
-> Object oriented programming based on real world.
-> Overloading is possible in OOP.
-> Adding new data and function is easy.
-> Example: C++, JAVA, Python, C# etc.
1.) procedure Oriented Programming Or Structured Oriented (POP):-
-> Importance is given to logic.(Algorithm)
-> Large program are divided into smaller program known as function.
-> Most of the function share global data.
-> Data move openly around the system from function to function.
Function transform from one form to another.
-> Follows Top- down approach in program design.
-> There is no access specifier in Procedure programming.
-> Adding new data and function is not easy.
-> Overloading is not possible in Procedure programming.
-> Procedural programming does not have any proper way for hiding data so it is less secure.
-> Procedure programming is based on unreal world.
-> In procedure oriented programming, function is more important than data.
-> Example: FORTRAN, C, Basic, Pascal.
2.) Object Oriented Programming (OOP):
-> Importance is given to data.
-> Programs are divided into small parts called , Object.
-> Data structure are design such that the character is object.
-> In object oriented programming, data is more important than function.
-> Data is hidden and can not be accessed by Externel function.
-> Object may communicate with each other through function.
-> Follows Bottom-up approach in program design.
-> Object oriented programming have access specifiers like private, public, protected etc.
-> Object oriented programming based on real world.
-> Overloading is possible in OOP.
-> Adding new data and function is easy.
-> Example: C++, JAVA, Python, C# etc.