14 Feb 2020

  • February 14, 2020
  • Amitraj
Internet Protocol Version 4

-> IPv4 short for Internet Protocol Version 4 is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol (IP).

-> IP is responsible to deliver data packets from the source host to the destination host.

-> This delivery is solely based on the IP Addresses in the packet headers.

-> IPv4 is the first major version of IP.

-> IPv4 is a connectionless protocol for use on packet-switched networks.

-> IPv4 is defined and specified in IETF publication RFC 791.

IPv4 Header-

The following diagram represents the IPv4 header-

VERSION: Version of the IP protocol (4 bits), which is 4 for IPv4

Header length: IP header length (4 bits), which is the number of 32 bit words in the header. The minimum value for this field is 5 and the maximum is 15.

Type of service: Low Delay, High Throughput, Reliability (8 bits)

Total Length: Length of header + Data (16 bits), which has a minimum value 20 bytes and the maximum is 65,535 bytes.

Identification: Unique Packet Id for identifying the group of fragments of a single IP datagram (16 bits)

Flags: 3 flags of 1 bit each : reserved bit (must be zero), do not fragment flag, more fragments flag (same order)

Fragment Offset: Represents the number of Data Bytes ahead of the particular fragment in the particular Datagram. Specified in terms of number of 8 bytes, which has the maximum value of 65,528 bytes.

Time to live: Datagram’s lifetime (8 bits), It prevents the datagram to loop through the network by restricting the number of Hops taken by a Packet before delivering to the Destination.

Protocol: Name of the protocol to which the data is to be passed (8 bits)

Header Checksum: 16 bits header checksum for checking errors in the datagram header

Source IP address: 32 bits IP address of the sender

Destination IP address: 32 bits IP address of the receiver

Option:  Optional information such as source route, record route. Used by the Network administrator to check whether a path is working or not.

-> Due to the presence of options, the size of the datagram header can be of variable length (20 bytes to 60 bytes).


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