30 Jan 2020

  • January 30, 2020
  • Amitraj
Advantages Of ER Model:-

1. ER model is simple and easily understanble. It is represented in business users language and it can be understood by non-technical specialist.

2. Straightforward relation representation.

3. Easy conversion for E-R to other data model.

4. Helps in physical database creation.

5. Can help in database design.

6. Gives a higher level description of the system.

Disadvantages Of ER model:-

1. Sometimes diagrams may lead to misinterpretations.

2. No industry standard for notation: There is no industry standard notation for developing an E-R diagram.

3. Popular for high-level design: The E-R data model is especially popular for high level.

4. Physical design derived from E-R model may have some amount of ambiguities or inconsistency.

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