31 Jan 2020

  • January 31, 2020
  • Amitraj

-> SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is used for storing and managing data in relational database management system (RDBMS).

-> SQL was the first commercial language introduced for E.F Codd's Relational model of database. 

-> All the RDBMS like MySQL, Informix, Oracle, MS Access and SQL Server use SQL as their standard database language.

-> SQL is used to perform all types of data operations in RDBMS.


-> Statements of SQL are dependent on text lines. We can use a single SQL statement on one or multiple text line.

-> SQL depends on tuple relational calculus and relational algebra.

-> Structure query language is not case sensitive. Generally, keywords of SQL are written in uppercase.

Characteristics of SQL

SQL is easy to learn.
SQL can execute queries against the database.
SQL is used to create and drop the database and table.
SQL is used to create a view, stored procedure, function in a database.
SQL allows users to set permissions on tables, procedures, and views.
SQL is used to access data from relational database management systems.
SQL is used to define the data in the database and manipulate it when needed.

SQL is used to describe the data.

Advantages of SQL

1. High speed

Using the SQL queries, the user can quickly and efficiently retrieve a large amount of records from a database.

2. No coding needed

In the standard SQL, it is very easy to manage the database system. It doesn't require a substantial amount of code to manage the database system.

3. Portability

SQL can be used in laptop, PCs, server and even some mobile phones.

SQL Datatype

-> SQL Datatype is used to define the values that a column can contain.

-> Every column is required to have a name and data type in the database table.

Datatype of SQL:

1. Binary datatype
2. Numeric datatype
3. String datatype
4. Extract numeric datatype
5. Date datatype 


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