5 Feb 2020

  • February 05, 2020
  • Amitraj
Computer Network Architecture

Computer Network Architecture is defined as the physical and logical design of the software, hardware, protocols, and media of the transmission of data. Simply we can say that how computers are organized and how tasks are allocated to the computer.

The two types of network architectures are used:

1. Peer-To-Peer network
2. Client/Server network

1. Peer-To-Peer network

In peer to peer architecture all the computers in a computer network are connected with every computer in the network. Every computer in the network use the same resources as other computers. There is no central computer that acts as a server rather all computers acts as a server for the data that is stored in them.

Advantages Of Peer-To-Peer Network:

-> It is less costly as it does not contain any dedicated server.

-> If one computer stops working but, other computers will not stop working.

-> It is easy to set up and maintain as each computer manages itself.

Disadvantages Of Peer-To-Peer Network:

-> In the case of Peer-To-Peer network, it does not contain the centralized system . Therefore, it cannot back up the data as the data is different in different locations.

-> It has a security issue as the device is managed itself.

2. Client/Server network

In Client Server architecture a central computer acts as a hub and serves all the requests from client computers. All the shared data is stored in the server computer which is shared with the client computer when a request is made by the client computer.

All the communication takes place through the server computer, for example if a client computer wants to share the data with other client computer then it has to send the data to server first and then the server will send the data to other client.

Advantages Of Client/Server network:

-> A Client/Server network contains the centralized system. Therefore we can back up the data easily.

-> A Client/Server network has a dedicated server that improves the overall performance of the whole system.

-> Security is better in Client/Server network as a single server administers the shared resources.

-> It also increases the speed of the sharing resources.

Disadvantages Of Client/Server network:

-> Client/Server network is expensive as it requires the server with large memory.

-> A server has a Network Operating System(NOS) to provide the resources to the clients, but the cost of NOS is very high.

-> It requires a dedicated network administrator to manage all the resources.


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