4 Dec 2019

  • December 04, 2019
  • Amitraj


-> The DOS (Windows 9x) internal commands are so-named because their instructions are a part of COMMAND.COM, the DOS (Windows 9x) command processor, and COMMAND.COM is loaded into primary memory each time the DOS or Windows 9x OS is booted. Therefore, the internal commands are always in memory and can always be executed from every DOS command line prompt.

-> This is in contrast to the disk-bound external commands, which reside in secondary memory up until the moment they are needed. Only then are they loaded into primary memory,
providing that the operating system can find them on disk.

-> The syntax for some frequently used internal commands follows.

DOS Internal Commands:

mkdir or md
This command is used to create a new directory

This command is used to change the directory.

This command is used to remove an empty directory.

Displays the current system time and allows us to change it.

cls is a command that is used to clear the screen.

Sets the default console foreground and background color.

This command copies file from one location to another.

Display the system date and allows us to change it.

Use to delete to one or more files.

Display a list of file and directories.

Allow us to move file and directory from one location to another.

Show the message typed on the screen again on console.

* DOS External Commands:-

This command is used to check a disk and display a status report with properties of disk like serial number, volume label, memory and other properties along with errors on the disk if any.

This command is very useful to view the list of directories and subdirectories present on the disk in graphical form.

This command is used to view or change the label of disk drives

Enables users to backup their data on other disk.

This command is used to change various file settings or attributes.
Various options available are:
+h to hide a file
-h. to unhide a file
+r to make a file read only
-r to reverse a file from read only to normal.

Used to create a file. Can also be used to change or modify the content of an existing file.

This command is used to format or erase a disk drive to a specified file system.


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